In the Catholic Church, today, October 2, is the memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels. Beings referred to as angels appear throughout history and many different cultures, but are most prevalent in the bible. There are modern statues and artwork depicting angels, and ancient depictions of them with various ways of appearing. The top of the Ark of the Covenant is described as having two angels on the lid. In the 1990’s angels became the rage. In Christianity we are all supposed to have an invisible guardian angel and many people believe that angels, who do the bidding of God, are all around us. Growing up I believed in angels and that I had a guardian angel but only thought about it if I had a nightmare or something scared me. That all changed one night after my conversion, or reversion as they call it now, when I had a close encounter of the third kind with an angel. Yes, I’m showing my age by the reference to the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
I was sound asleep in my bed next to my husband. I was lying on my back and was suddenly jolted awake by something. I didn’t know what it was but I was suddenly fully awake and as I opened my eyes I saw, floating just above us, what I am quite sure was an angel. It was beautiful and in a flowing robe. However, it struck me that It appeared to be neither male or female but rather just a beautiful being. It appeared to be solid and if I had had the nerve to touch it I would have felt it as if it was physical. I also noticed that it did not have wings. Despite being so beautiful, I almost jumped out of my skin. I closed my eyes thinking that maybe I was hallucinating and when I opened my eyes I could no longer see it. In a way I was relieved but also sorry I had not spoken to it or just enjoyed looking at it. I can still remember it quite clearly when I think of it and I pray to it and all the angels. I suggest you try praying or speaking to your guardiran angel especially when you are going through hard times or you are filled with anxiety or fear. Below is the Guardian Angel Prayer that you can use if you want or say your own prayer. See what comfort you will feel after praying to your angel and realizing how much God loves you that he gave you your own angel!
Guardian Angel Prayer
Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here, Ever this day, be at my side, To light and guard, To Rule and guide. Amen.